Flirt Matchmaking

Flirt Matchmaking:

How to Become a Matchmaker

If your friends are always complaining to you about their love life (or lack thereof), or you just seem to be strapped for cash, (or both), you can consider become a matchmaker.


  1. Obtain some clients, and attempt to have some of each gender.
  2. Prepare a database with the criteria you want to use.
  3. Enter the data of your clients into your database.
  4. Matchmake. Once your clients come to you with some ideas about their perfect match, search your list and find someone who fits their description, and is compatible with them.
  5. Become certified. If you unsure about how to proceed, you should turn to the Matchmaking Institute, the only school that actually provides a training and certification in matchmaking.


  • Some possible types of data could include:
    • Height
    • Interests
    • Complexion
    • Age


  • Under no circumstances should you rely on Astrology alone to determine matches.
  • Don't use matches to get back at people you dislike. This is a matter of other people's lives. You could disappoint people.

Things You'll Need

  • Clients
  • Spreadsheet or database software for your computer
  • No personal biases toward your clients